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WATCH Referral Information


Rosewood Dental Services (Dr. Craig)

104 C Adair Drive, Goldsboro (located inside Goshen Medical)


Immediate Dental Care: 919-583-0102

Wayne Community College: 919-735-5151

Snow Hill Dental Clinic: 252-747-3846

Tri-County Dental Clinic: 

910-567-2646 (6194)

Wayne County Health Dept.: 919-580-4050

Kinston Community Health Ctr.:


Wilson Dental Clinic:  252-243-8448


Behavioral Health (depression/anxiety, etc.)

Call Eastpointe Mental Health at


between 8-5 Monday through Friday.  


You will be asked a few questions and then given an appointment.  


Should you ever feel like harming yourself or anyone else, please go to the nearest emergency room or call 911.


Eye Exams

Division of the Blind:  No appointment is necessary.


You can go to the Division of the Blind on Tuesdays – 9:00 AM – 12:00 PM, or Wednesdays – 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM.  


The Division of the Blind is located in the Wayne County Services on Aging  - Peggy M.  Seegars’ Senior Center

2001 E. Ash Street, Goldsboro, NC.   


Contact Mary Jones at 919-731-1102.


Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (BCCP)

Please call BCCP at 919-731-1000 to schedule an appointment for your PAP smear, breast exam, and referral for your mammogram if needed.  


This is an income-based program, so you will be asked about your monthly household income and will need to bring some type of proof of income to the appointment. 


 If you cannot keep your appointment, please call and cancel it.  Others may really need the appointment time.


House of Fordham – given out Mon-Fri.  Must be there by 9:00 AM – 410 N. William Street

Community Soup Kitchen of Goldsboro – serves hot meals Mon-Sat – 11:00 AM – 12 noon – 112 West Oak Street

Salvation Army – food available with a referral from Social Services – 919-580-4034

Community Crisis Center – serves a hot meal at 1:00 PM when funds are available – 919-734-6836 – Slocumb Street

Wayne County Services on Aging – you must be age 60+ - serves a hot meal Mon-Fri - 919-731-1591

St. Mary Catholic Church – Only takes calls 1 week per month – may be able to help – 919-734-5033, ext 42.


Referral to this program is made by the WATCH providers.  Prescription assistance is available for long term brand name medications that the WATCH provider has prescribed for you. 


 You will need to call 919-731-6933 (Prompt 1) to make an appointment to be seen at our Campus Clinic office.  Please leave your name, telephone number and reason for the call.  We will contact you for a prescreening questionnaire and instruct you as to the information to bring with you at the time of the appointment.


  It is YOUR responsibility to provide the needed information for the medication(s) requested.

Referral to other Providers

If the WATCH provider decides that you need to be referred to another provider, the WATCH Referral Specialist will contact you so that you can help make the appointment. Charges resulting from the provider you are referred with are your responsibility. WATCH does not have funds for these costs.

Below is the contact information of affordable provider if WATCH is unable to see you.

However, you cannot be an active patient of both.


(Goldsboro) 919-739-8680            (Faison) 910-267-0421

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